Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.
— Marie Curie

FUll Curriculum VITAE


Sample presentation 2 (video)

Peer-Reviewed Publications


The influence of leisure on the quality of life of refugees in Turkey


Rethinking curriculum internationalization: Virtual exchange as a means to attaining global competencies


Promoting creativity in undergraduate recreation and leisure services classrooms


Thinking About Leisure During a Global Pandemic

Implicit Attitudes and the Challenge of Becoming a Reflexive Leisure Scholar

Rights of Passage Programs: Culturally Relevant Programs for Black Youth

How to End a Course Well and Why it Matters

Rethinking Curriculum Internationalization: Virtual Exchange as a Means to Attain Global Competencies, Develop Critical Thinking, and Experience Transformative Learning


Does Culture Matter? The Role of Culture in Program Implementation

A Systematic Review of Rural Latino Health and the Built Environment

The Credit Card or the Taxi: Parent Involvement in Indoor Competition Climbing 


Travel and Adolescent Identity

Injustice in Mobile Leisure: A Conceptual Exploration of Pokemon Go

Interpreting Perceived Constraints to Ethnic Recreation Participation: A Recreation Systems Approach

Vertically Integrated Leisure Theory


Advancing Methodological Rigor in Recreation Research

Critical Thinking in the Field of Travel and Tourism: A Case Study Approach using the California Critical Thinking Sills Test

Measurement of Transformative Learning in Study Abroad

Indoor Competition Climbing as a Context for Positive Youth Development


Triple Gain: Practical Ideas for Maximizing Connections Between Students and Faculty

Competition Climbing: From Leisure Pursuit to Lifestyle Sport

Values and Decision-Making: Introducing the Public Servant Values Questionnaire to Recreation Administrators


Tourism Development in the Dominican Republic: An Examination of the Economic Impact to Coastal Households

Transformative Learning in Theory and Practice: A Systematic Review of Transformative Learning Research in Travel and Tourism

Competition Climbing as Serious Leisure

Measuring Self-Reported Fidelity in Recreation: The Facilitator Characteristics and Program Contribution Scale



Unlocking museums' mysteries with data analytics

(American Alliance of Museums)


I have a PhD, now what? Taking the non-faculty route into industry

(Clemson University)

So, You Want to Do a Member Survey?

(American Museum Membership Conference)


Collaborative Online International Learning: Opportunities and Challenges

(World VIU Days)


Working smarter not harder: Tips for embedding research into the classroom

(Center of Innovation and Excellence in Learning)


Giving the Gift of Play

(Nanaimo Pecha Kucha)

Credit Card and the Taxi: Parent Involvement in Youth Sport

(The Academy of Leisure Sciences)

Simple Activities to Facilitate Meaningful Interaction in Diverse Classrooms

(The Academy of Leisure Sciences)

The Role of Culture in Program Implementation

(The Academy of Leisure Sciences)

International Adaptive Sport Programming and Attitudes Towards Disability

(The Academy of Leisure Sciences)


Beginners are Many But Enders are Few: Ending a Course Well and Why it Matters

(BC Teaching and Learning Conference)

Situating Learning: Bringing the Messiness of Life into the Classroom

(The Academy of Leisure Sciences)

Collaborative Online International Learning

(The Academy of Leisure Sciences)


Implicit Attitudes and Reflexivity: Becoming a Critical Leisure Scholar

(The Academy of Leisure Sciences)

Case Study Learning: A Tool for Critical Thinking - Invited Presentation

(Clemson Thinks 2 Faculty Institute)

Rural Latino Health and the Built Environment

(GRADS Research Symposium)


Assessing Recreation Use Via Field-based Cameras & Timelapse2 Software

(National Recreation & Parks Association)

Clicks, Openings, and Impressions: Navigating Contemporary Online Survey Research

(National Recreation & Parks Association)

Play as Prevention: How Play Mediates the Relationship between Mother's Health and Child's Risk Behaviors/Handout 

(Annual Meeting of the Society for Prevention Research)

A Case Study of Visitor Use Management and Planning at Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area

(River Management Society & National Outdoor Recreation Conference)

Assessing Implicit Attitudes in Tourism Research: Introducing the Implicit Association Test, Issues, and Applications 

(South Eastern Travel and Tourism Research Association)

Alternative Strategies for the Assessment of Socioeconomic Status in the Leisure Sciences 

(George Wright Society)

Triple Gain: Practical Ideas for Maximizing Collaboration Between the Classroom and the Profession 

(The Academy of Leisure Sciences Teaching Institute)

Engaging Students in Critical Thinking: Preparing Students For the 21st Century Workplace 

(The Academy of Leisure Sciences Teaching Institute)

Beyond Composite Scores and Cronbach's Alpha 

(North Eastern Recreation Research Symposium)


Confronting Whiteness in Tanzania: Exploring the Role of Cross-Cultural Contact on White Student Racial Attitudes and Identity 

(American Anthropological Association Annual Conference)

Toward Definitional Congruence in Ethnic and Racial Constraints Research 

(George Wright Society)

Assessing Recreational carrying Capacity for Reservoirs of the Priest Rapids Hydroelectric Project

(Southeastern Recreation Research Conference)

National and Global Identities: Travel as a Mechanism for Youth Identity Development 

(College of Health and Human Development Research Forum)

Indoor Competitive Climbing as a Context for Positive Youth Development 

(Academy of Outdoor Recreation Educators)

Ethnic and Racial Participation in Leisure: Introducing to a Systems Model

(National Recreation and Parks Association Annual Congress) 

Public Service Values as Predictors of Recreation Decision Making 

(National Recreation and Parks Association Annual Congress) 

Competitive Climbing as Serious Leisure 

(North Eastern Recreation Research Symposium)

Fidelity in Experiential Education: Toward a Scientific Model of Program Evaluation 

(North Eastern Recreation Research Symposium)

Public Recreation Decision Making: The Demographic Determinants of the Decision to Close a Recreation Center 

(South Eastern Recreation Research Conference)

On Belay: An Assessment of Climbing 

(Academy of Outdoor Recreation Educators)

Connecting Youth to Nature: Rock Climbing as a Strategy to Get Youth Outdoors 

(U.S. Play Coalition)

Quality Improvement in Higher Education: Using Importance-Performance Analysis to Assess and Improve Study Abroad Learning Activities 

(Winthrop Conference for Teaching and Learning)

The Learning Activities Survey: Conceptual and Operational Definitions of Transformative Learning/Handout 

(Winthrop Conference for Teaching and Learning)


Study Abroad as a Meaningful Learning Experience 

(Experience Industry Management Conference)

Transformative Travel: Measuring Study Abroad Activities and Outcomes - Long form 

(National Recreation and Parks Association Annual Congress) 

Transformative Travel: Measuring Study Abroad Activities and Outcomes - Short form 

(Travel Education Future Initiatives Annual Conference)


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